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Which of the following is NOT

Which of the following is NOT seen as a potential danger of the Internet University?
A、Internet based courses may be less costly than traditional ones.
B、Teachers in traditional institutions may lose their jobs.
C、Internet based courseware may lack variety in course content.
D、The Internet University may produce teachers with a lot of publicity.

本题考查细节。 A项谈到“网络课程比传统课程节省费用”,这是件好事,不是其潜在的危险,综上,应选A。 文中关于网络大学潜在弊端的介绍主要在第三段中。通过 “throwing thousands of career academics out of work”可知B 项符合文意。故排除B。 C 项可由“enforcing a rigidly standardized curriculum”得出。故排除。 D项也可以从“a few superstar teachers”得出,故排除。 故正确答案为A项。

