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Which of the following stateme

Which of the following statements about the impact of technological developments is not true?
A、Technology developments have supported corporate delayering
B、Technology developments tend to adversely affect employee relations
C、Technology developments creates risk for long-range product/market planning
D、Technology developments offer significant advantages for corporate communications

Rationale: Technology is no longer regarded purely as a threat to job security: it can also support higher-level skilling, options for home-working, cleaner and safer work environments, better employee communications (eg through an intranet) and so on. Option A is true, because IT systems support lower-level decision making and direct communication between strategic apex and operational staff: replacing the role of middle management. Option C is true,because new technologies reduce product life cycles: products and processes can swiftly become obsolete. Option D should be obviously true: think of email at one end of the scale, and 'virtual organisations' at the other.

